INSEPARABLE SISTERS Alexis and Georgia were both born with cystic fibrosis (CF) - a genetic condition that causes excess mucus to build up in their lungs. For the first nine years of Alexis' life, doctors were unable to diagnose her, but when her younger sister Georgia was born, genetic testing had been updated to detect CF at birth. It was then that doctors gave the girls' parents grim news: at that time, because she had gone untreated for the first nine years of her life, Alexis was predicted to have a maximum life expectancy of 18 years old. Alexis' dad has since told her that hearing this "broke his heart". But it was not only the sisters' prognosis that the family had to deal with - doctors also advised that the sisters "stay 6ft apart from each other at all times" in order to minimise infection risk between the two. The family jointly decided that this would not be possible, but to this day, Alexis and Georgia understand the risks. Alexis told truly: "We've both had times where we could barely breathe" and the sisters have spent months in hospital between them. As a result, they do stay away from each other when one of them is sick - this, combined with improving treatments and a new life changing drug, has meant Alexis has outlived doctors expectations, having just turned 25. Georgia is hoping to start the new drug soon and the two are now able to turn their attention to their future together: "We are capable of being able to live a long and healthy life."
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